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      You don't know me but here's why you might want to go...

      On Wednesday evening, I got a text from Eric saying he'd had a cancellation the following day and asking if I'd like to stop by. We've been friends for several years but out of touch recently so I jumped at the chance to reconnect.

      It was great to see him and catch up; but what happened next was just amazing.

      He asked about my health and I answered that for an old guy of seventy I was doing pretty well, explaining that there was a sort of vague "phantom" sciatica-like sensation in my right hip. He immediately had an idea, took a tiny magnet out of a small box, attached some tape and asked me to step into the restroom and attach it to my perineum, explaining that if it would help I'd know pretty much right away. He wasn't kidding: Within a few seconds I realized that I was weeping gently - the sensation was gone, replaced by a relief my body hadn't known in a decade...

      The treatment is still holding. Needless to say, I left with a promise to return for a complete balancing and a new respect for this young man I'm blessed to call a dear friend.

            -Will H.

I have severe arthritis and disc degeneration of my cervical spine. Chronic pain for 20+ years. Had a mastectomy in March. Started coming here and AM SO MUCH BETTER! After just 2 sessions, my neck pain is so low and mostly not even there anymore! After a couple additional sessions, my whole body feels balanced, my anxiety and depression is minimal, I sleep better. Please make an appointment. You will be better for it. I tried everything under the sun before coming here, I've even cut my medications by 2/3.

-Yvonne L (from Google review)

A home-made postcard reads: "Hola, Dr. Eric! Africa (the name give to a large rash treated with Chinese hers) is nearly gone and I am wholeheartedly attributing tat to your Chinese

"Africa" refers to large and inflamed geographic rash one of these bike tourists had on her leg, treated with Chinese herbs. 

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